Fees for child and family services
Initial consultation $230 per hour
Subsequent consultation $200 per hour
Child or parent intervention therapy session $200 per hour
Meeting with teachers or other health professionals $200 per hour
Dr. Sarah Wilkes-Gillan is a registered Medicare Provider. You can ask your GP or pediatrician for a Medicare Plan. To claim the rebate, you will need a Medicare Plan before your first session. Plans can include:
Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) - 5 sessions per calendar year with a $53.80 rebate per session
Autism Spectrum Disorder Plans - 20 sessions (that can be used until your child turns 15 years) with a $75.95 rebate per session
Private health insurance
Occupational therapy can often be claimed through your private health fund depending on your level of extras cover. You can send your receipt to your private health fund provider and they will organise a rebate to your nominated bank account. To find out if you are eligible and your rebate, please contact your private health fund regarding the following codes:
OT initial consultation (code 100)
OT 60-minute therapy session (code 250)
This service is not registered with the NDIS, but you can use your self-managed plan if you have one.
If you are self-managed you can purchase support within your budget to help you reach your NDIS goals. This support can be from both registered and unregistered providers.